Mar 29, 2013

Gummy 0+

I have this shirt like forever and I had no idea what to put on with and finally I found great match with the skirt. Lovely! You also can wear belt just to get the clear waist line. I don't really like to use belt but it's more than fine if you put on some belt. White would be the best color! 

Zer0+Ending Indonesian plus size fashion blog.

Top: Cemas IDR 50'
Skirt: Plaza Semanggi IDR 45' 
Shoes: Payless.


  1. hay salam kenal..dres dres yg kamu pake beli dimana?kasih ket.nya dong say outfitnya beli dimana aja..thx :)

  2. Hallo. salam kenal. Thank you for the comment. intinya; aku biasa mix-match aja sih sama baju yang udah aku punya sebelumnya dan kebanyakan jait sendiri. Biasanya aku kasih keterangan kalo aku jait sendiri. Nah, ada beberapa yang dari sponsor biasanya aku kasih alamat facebooknya dibawah. Tapi nanti coba aku cek lagi, aku detailin lagi ya... thank you... :)
